Discover the Amazing Health Benefits of Drinking Bone Broth: Boost Immunity and Improve Digestion

Healing through nutrition and food.

 What is Bone Broth?

 Bone broth is made with beef or poultry bones, like beef knuckles, chicken necks, oxtails, soup bones, and even bones from other dishes you’ve cooked such as roasted chicken or turkey, and vegetables that is simmered for longer than 24 hours. This extended time allows more nutrients and minerals to leach from the bones. In Oriental Medicine, bone broth is one of the most healing, nutrient dense substances a person can consume and is used as a traditional healing food in almost every culture.

 When combined with Chinese medicinal herbs, bone broth is one of the most sophisticated food elixirs you can consume. The Chinese herbs are added to increase the medicinal properties of the broth as well as adding a wonderful complexity to the seasoning of the broth. Different meats and the addition of different herbs can tailor the bone broth to your specific needs.

 General benefits of bone broth:

·         Heal and seal your gut. It eases chronic diarrhea, constipation, and even some food intolerances. It is also one of the best hangover foods or for a patient with food sensitivities.

·         Protect your joints. Joints are protected and pain is reduced by the glucosamine and other nutritional elements found in bone broth.

·         Keeps collagen strong. The incredible healing properties of collagen and gelatin are added to the broth by the low and slow cooking process which breaks down the bones and connective tissues of the meat.  

·         Sleep better. Sleep is improved and fatigue may be reduced by the glycine found in bone broth.

·         Support a healthy immune system. The immune system is supported and strengthened by the abundance of minerals found in bone broth.

·         Increase bone strength. Due to the cooking process, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium in the bones seep out into the broth and are thus available for your body to utilize.

·         Get some bone broth protein. Essential amino acids, essential for muscle recovery and energy production,  are found in abundance in bone broth soup.

 How can you use bone broth?

·         Drink it straight up. It is really a very delicious and rich broth.

·         Use the bone broth instead of water to make grains. It adds flavor as well as health benefits.

·         Freeze in ice cube trays for later use.

·         Make soup.

·         Make a bone broth smoothie bowl.


·        2 carrots chopped medium

·        2 celery stalks chopped medium

·        1 medium onion chopped medium

·        2 cloves garlic

·        3.5 lb beef or chicken bones or combination of both

·        Kosher salt

·        2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

·        Water


1.     Place bones in slow cooker. The bones should fill up about ¾ of the slow cooker.

2.     Chop your vegetables and garlic, no need to peel. You can add vegetable scraps and rinsed, crushed eggshells into your slow cooker. You’ll be straining these out before consuming the broth.

3.     Fill the slow cooker with water. Season with a generous amount of salt, about 1 tsp.

4.     Add 2 TBSP of apple cider vinegar.

5.     Cool on low for 18-72 hours.

6.     Strain the broth through cheesecloth or a strainer and cool. A good broth will usually have a layer of fat on the top and will gelatinize when thoroughly cool. Remove the fat with a spoon and discard.


Always add

·       Da zao is added to because it tonifies the Spleen and Stomach and augments qi, nourishes the blood and calms the Spirit, and harmonizes the harsh properties of other herbs.

·       Dang gui is added because it tonifies the Blood and regulates menses, invigorates and harmonizes the Blood and disperses Cold, stops pain due to Blood Stasis, moistens the Intestines an unblocks the bowels, reduces swelling, expels pus, generates flesh and alleviates pain, stops coughing and treats dyspnea

·       Fu ling is added because it promotes urination and leaches out dampness, strengthens the Spleen and harmonizes the Middle Jiao, quiets the Heart, calms the Spirit and soothes the nerves.

·       Bai zhu is added because it tonifies the Spleen and augments qi, dries dampness and promotes water metabolism, stabilizes the exterior and stops sweating, and can calm the fetus

·       Huang qi is added because it tonifies qi and blood, strengthens the Spleen and raises Yang qi of the Spleen and Stomach, tonifies wei qi, stabilizes the exterior and tonifies the Lungs, promotes urination and reduces edema, promotes the discharge of pus, generates flesh and expels toxins, generates body fluids, and relieves numbness and pain

 Sometimes added:

·       Go ji can be added because it tonifies the Liver and Kidneys and strengthens the Liver sinews and bones, expels wind dampness and relieves bi syndrome, warms and stabilizes the Kidneys and prevents leakage

·       Shen di huang  can be added to clear Heat and cool the blood, nourish yin, generate fluids, increases saliva, and to cool Heart fire.




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